Fly Fishing Lures

Fly fishing has been a popular sport for hundreds of years. In order to fish this way fisherman use artificial flies. Artificial flies are used to imitate the appearance and movements of various water flies that are prey for fish.

There are many types of fly fishing lures; each type of lure is generally used to attract a particular variety of fish. For example, flies called dry flies which are most often used in freshwater and float at the surface of the water. They are often used to catch freshwater fish.

Wet flies are flies that go below the surface of the water. Wet flies can be tied a number of ways to resemble various water based insects. Wet flies are also most commonly used in freshwater.

There are many types of saltwater flies which are often used for off shore fishing and in shore fishing. These types of lures are used to catch fish like Bonefish. There are many different types of saltwater fly fishing lures.

Fly fishing lures come in many sizes and colors. They are designed to resemble the variety of prey of a particular kind of fish. They may have feathers, shiny thread, or even beads. There are three large manufacturers of fly fishing lures Orvis,Farlows of London,Umpqua Feather Merchants. The former two have been in business since the middle 1800s.

Fishing flies from 45 cents each available here.